
At Andhra Prime Hospitals, our Pediatrics Department is dedicated to delivering compassionate and comprehensive care for children from infancy through adolescence. Our team of board-certified pediatricians and pediatric specialists is committed to promoting children’s health and well-being and supporting families in their journey to raise healthy, happy kids.

Choosing the best pediatrician is a crucial and challenging decision for every parent. This decision is necessary from the first general check-up through all the vaccinations up to 10 years of age. As parents, it’s natural to have concerns about your children’s health and safety. Having the right pediatrician by your side is like having a guardian angel for your child. At Andhra Prime Hospitals, we strive to provide quality support with the best child specialists. We take pride in handling all health issues, both acute and chronic, with ease and expertise.

When to See a Pediatrician:

Schedule regular visits for your child’s growth and development assessments.

Consult if your child displays persistent fever, unusual rashes, or unexplained pain.

Seek appointments for timely immunizations as per recommended schedules.

Monitor and discuss any delays or concerns in your child’s speech, motor skills, or behavior.

Visit for advice on feeding habits, growth patterns, and dietary needs.

Seek guidance for managing behavioral problems, anxiety, or attention-related issues.

Manage ongoing conditions like asthma, allergies, or diabetes with regular check-ups and adjustments to treatment plans.

Address any parental worries about your child’s health, growth, or well-being.

Regular visits ensure your child receives optimal medical care and support for their overall health and development.

Call us for an appointment

0863-2222279, 2222259, 79954 67346.

Feel free to contact us.